Mailing List
If you are passionate about Amazon Vendor, this newsletter is the one you will actually look forward to. Get access to exclusive tips, strategies and case studies I only share with my subscribers.
Amazon Trade Terms Tracker – £99
A free and simple Excel calculator to evaluate your negotiation results with Amazon. This tracker also estimates the impact of cost reductions and rate increases on your Net PPM.
Amazon Payment Terms Calculator New
Calculate the cash flow impact of changes to your settlement terms and any quick pay discounts with Amazon.
Amazon Net PPM Calculator
A fuss-free online calculator to determine the Net Pure Profit Margin (Net PPM) for your Amazon listing.
Amazon Glossary (A-Z)
A complete glossary of 375+ terms and abbreviations you need to know when selling on Amazon. Never ask your Vendor Manager to explain an acronym again.
S.C.O.R.E. Negotiation Framework
A tried and tested framework for 1P vendors to better prepare their annual vendor negotiations with Amazon.
Other Tools & Resources
An overview of my other free resources available to Amazon Vendors:
- ROAS Calculator
- ACoS Calculator
- Conversion Rate Calculator
- Gross Profit Margin Calculator
- Amazon Payment Terms Calculator
- A/B Statistically Significance Calculator
- Economic Forecasting: Salsify
- Insights Into 1P Negotiations: MerchantSpring
- Building Your Digital Acceleration Engine: Profitero
- Profitably Manage Your 1P Business: LS International
Podcast Appearances
- Strategies for Successful Vendor Negotiations: Let’s Talk Marketplace
- Amazon Terminates 1P Relationships: Let’s Talk Marketplace
- Amazon Vendor Negotiations in 2024/25: Braintrust Ecommerce
- Defensive Selling Strategies: Ecommerce Nurse
- Understanding Amazon’s Business Model: BWG Strategy
- Driving Profitability on Amazon: Digital Shelf Institute
- Managing Amazon Vendor Relationships: Reason Automation
Any questions? Email me at, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. If you don’t want to consume all those resources yourself, you might want to consider my consulting offer.