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Amazon Trade Terms Tracker – £99

A free and simple Excel calculator to evaluate your negotiation results with Amazon. This tracker also estimates the impact of cost reductions and rate increases on your Net PPM.

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Amazon Payment Terms Calculator New

Calculate the cash flow impact of changes to your settlement terms and any quick pay discounts with Amazon.

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Amazon Net PPM Calculator

A fuss-free online calculator to determine the Net Pure Profit Margin (Net PPM) for your Amazon listing.

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Amazon Glossary (A-Z)

A complete glossary of 375+ terms and abbreviations you need to know when selling on Amazon. Never ask your Vendor Manager to explain an acronym again.

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S.C.O.R.E. Negotiation Framework

A tried and tested framework for 1P vendors to better prepare their annual vendor negotiations with Amazon.

Access the Whitepaper »

Other Tools & Resources

An overview of my other free resources available to Amazon Vendors:



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Any questions? Email me at, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. If you don’t want to consume all those resources yourself, you might want to consider my consulting offer.